PHOTO: Fabio Fedeli

Nicoletta Dentico analyzes how the virus exalted the world's imbalances by triggering vicious circles with devastating consequences and shares the inside view from Italy. 


Never before has a virus blocked the planet’s gear the way COVID-19 did.  Three months after the first outbreak, it is dominating our lives and immagination: but instead of acting as a leveler, this time the virus is acting as an amplifier of the long-existing economic and social inequalities that cross societies, multiplying the danger of the virus and triggering a vicious circle with potentially devastating consequences.

In a series of articles, SID’s Health Programme Lead, Nicoletta Dentico, analyzes how the virus exhalted the world's imbalances, the result of erroneus global policy prescriptions that have defined globalization so far. Using the inside view from the Italian microcosm, still one of the epicentres of the pandemic, she projects lines of coordinated work for the production and delivery of global goods in health, through better governance and social investments. 

While exploring the links between the right to health and other social and economic rights and how they are in a constant tension with economic rules and financial profits, Dentico projects:

“The renewed awareness of the key role played by a universal free public health setup, present in the hardest hit countries now – Spain has put all private hospitals under state control indefinitely – should spread like the virus and become a strong global demand. It takes a rights-based vision, beyond the financial resources, and I consider it the political point-of-no-return of the current viral crisis. In fact, the coronavirtue we must hold onto if we are serious about sustainable development for all.”


Below is the list of the recently published articles:

- “The COVID-19 Crisis In Health Systems & Prospects For Recovery – The View From Italy” – Health Policy Watch

- “Chronicle of a pandemic foretold” – OpenDemocracy

- “We were warned again and again – we did nothing” – il manifesto (Global Edition)


Articles in Italian:

- “Cronaca di una pandemia annunciata” – Sbilanciamoci!

- “Covid 19, Il virus delle disuguaglianze in azione e il "gioco" di scommettere sulla morte dell'altro” – la Repubblica

- “È la pandemia più annunciata della storia” – Famiglia

- “Coronavirus, dietro al vaccino una grande partita geopolitica” - valori 

For more information, please contact Nicoletta Dentico: